LV bags are the most popular luxury goods in the world. They are a symbol of identity and status. However, there are many fake LV bags in the world. You must be careful to distinguish them when buying them, otherwise it will be bad if you buy fakes. So how can you identify the authenticity of LV bags? LV bag authenticity identification1. The leather of a genuine LV bag is soft and has deep lines. If there are bubbles or particles in the bag, the gaps between them will be very clear, and the flexibility of the whole bag is also very good. Fake LV bags are mostly embossed patterns, which will become old after long-term use and feel hard. 2. When distinguishing the authenticity of an LV bag, you can also look at its dust bag. The dust bag of an authentic LV bag is mostly envelope-shaped and has no drawstring. Its color is light yellow, and there is a LOUISVUITTON pattern on its seal. Their fonts are mostly dark brown. If it does not have these characteristics, it is clearly a fake LV bag. 3. To identify the authenticity of LV bags, you can look at their stitching. Most LV bags are sewn with cotton and linen threads soaked in oil and wax. The stitching is even, regular and very tight. When people look closely, they will find that they are close to the bag. In addition, where the stitching bends, they are symmetrical. Fake LV bags do not pay attention to these details. 4. When identifying the authenticity of an LV bag, you can also look at its hardware accessories. The hardware accessories of a real LV bag are all made of brass. If its surface is worn, the color inside will not change and it will still be gold. However, the hardware accessories of a fake LV bag are mostly copper-plated. Not only do they feel light and floating, but they will also turn black after wear. 5. The card attached to the LV bag is also an important basis for people to identify the authenticity of the LV bag. The cards attached to each authentic LV bag are different. They will state the material of the product. When purchasing, you can compare the content of the card with the LV bag to see if the description matches. If it matches, it is authentic. If it is found that the content on the card does not match the actual bag, it means it is a fake. |
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